Terms and Conditions
Please note in the following conditions "the agent" refers to Ventnor Holiday Villas with regard to Apartment bookings and Ventnor Villa Breaks in respect of Villas. Whereby please note the following:
For Apartments all payments are to be made payable to "Ventnor Holiday Villas" and postal communications sent to Ventnor Holiday Villas, Old Fort Place, Wheelers Bay Road, Ventnor, PO38 1HR. (tel: 01983 852973)
For Villas all payments are to be made to "Ventnor Villas" and postal communication sent to Ventnor Villa Breaks, 6 Madeira Road, Ventnor, PO38 1QP. (tel: 01983 854168)
1. DEPOSIT - A deposit of £100 is payable at the time of booking. Should the accommodation required not be available, the deposit will be refunded in full. Once a booking has been made and our booking confirmation issued, the deposit will not be refunded should you subsequently cancel.
2. BALANCE OF MONIES - Must be received AT LEAST 28 DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF WHICH THE HOLIDAY IS DUE TO START. Failure to comply with this condition may result in the loss of your deposit, cancellation of your accommodation and the application of cancellation charges as detailed in condition 3. Payment by bank transfer is accepted, details available upon request.
3. CANCELLATIONS (a) Once a deposit has been received and confirmation issued you are then liable for the full cost of the rental unless written notice of cancellation is received more than 28 days before the start date of stay, whereby the following liabilities apply. [Cancellations must be sent in writing by registered post to "the agent"]. Written Notice of Cancellation Received: Maximum Liability on cancellation: More than 35 days before start date of holiday 25% of Balance of Hire 29-35 days before the start date of holiday 50% of Balance of Hire (b) "The agent" will endeavour to rebook the rental period, and if successful you will only be liable for any differential in rebooking price plus the deposit. (c) Cancellation following non-arrival: If by 8.00am on the day immediately following the day on which your holiday is due to start you have not occupied your accommodation and you have not notified us that you will be arriving after this time you will be deemed to have cancelled your booking and you will be liable for the full cost of the rental. N.B. For your protection we suggest you take out insurance whereby under certain circumstances you can insure against the risk of cancellation and curtailment. (d) Cancellation by "the agent" - should we have to cancel the booking before the start date, we will refund all rental payments. "The agent" will not be liable for any other costs.
4. REFUSAL - "The Agent" reserves the right to refuse any booking application or to refuse or terminate accommodation at their absolute discretion.
5. CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND THE CONTROL OF OWNER/MANAGEMENT - "The agent" shall not be liable in the event that the accommodation or advertised facilities or amenities not be available due to circumstances beyond their control.
6. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY - You will be responsible for leaving the property in a good state of cleanliness, similar to that as found at the time of taking occupation and to leave the property in the same state of repair as found at the time of taking occupation. It is important to report any problems to the management as soon as possible. If following departure the property is found to require more than a standard clean, any extra cost will be chargeable. If following departure damage is found to the property or its contents (except for wear and tear), you will be liable for the cost of repair or replacement.
7. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE - You will need to call "the agent" the day before to confirm expected time of arrival, check in time is 3.00pm on start date. Pick up key from "the agent". On the finish date you will need to vacate the property by 9.00am and return the keys to "the agent" (Apartment keys to Old Fort Place, Wheelers Bay Road or Villa keys to 6 Madeira Road, Ventnor).
8. LIABILITY - The owners have appropriate buildings insurance for the properties, but is unable to accept liability for the death or personal injury or loss during your stay, however arising. You will be responsible for the safety of yourselves and your personal possessions during your stay.